Sedaven Primary School About Us - Sedaven Primary - Sedaven Primary School

Sedaven Primary School
Non Sibi Sed Deo | Not for self, but for God
+27 63 203 2279
1 Boschoek Farm, Sedaven Estate, Heidelberg
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About Us

Sedaven Primary School
Non Sibi Sed Deo | Not for self, but for God

Sedaven PS is a warm, friendly and caring private school with a Christian ethos. Situated idyllically against the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve Hills just outside Heidelberg in Gauteng. What first strikes visitors to our school is a palpable sense of community. The atmosphere is vibrant, purposeful and very friendly. This is the place where your Child will experience nurture and care, here they will gain skill, knowledge and develop self-discipline and respect for others. We offer an inspiring learning environment where every child is valued, destined for greatness and has the capability to achieve their full potential and purpose in life.

The school offers the South African CAPS curriculum enriched by the Bible-study program of the Seventh-day Adventist school system. Our committed staff is highly involved with every aspect of the learners' lives at school. At the heart of Adventist education is a belief that children achieve true growth when their mental, physical and spiritual needs are met. With a strong focus on a FAMILY and CHRISTIAN ethos as well as a HOLISTIC APPROACH to education, Sedaven Primary School provides a balance between academic, sport and cultural fields. The values of our School are founded on the principle “Not for Self, but for God”.

We Are Umalusi Accredited And AAA-Accredited.
Sedaven Primary School is an independent school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church in South Africa. The purpose of the school is to offer a distinctive type of education that is in line with the educational ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
Some similarities and differences between the educational ideals of the Department of Education (DoE) and the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There are similarities and differences between the educational ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and that of the South African Department of Education.

One significant similarity
Both entities, e.g. would strive to educate learners to be responsible citizens of the globalised society in which we live today. This implies having the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes not only to survive, but also to make a positive contribution towards said society.

One significant difference
The essential difference between the two entities lies in the fact that the DoE (in public schools) attempts to achieve its educational ideals from a secular point of departure, whereas the Adventist church, through its educational institutions, attempts to do it from a religious and theistic point of departure.


A family-like atmosphere
Sedaven Primary is a small school with a family-like atmosphere. Teachers and learners associate closely together. Latent talents and positive personality traits are thus developed far more readily than is the case in larger schools. Special effort is made to give individualised attention and guidance to both the slow learner and the gifted child.

School hours
School starts at 07:25 and closes at 14:00. The bus will leave at 14:00 and again at 16:30. Parents whose children stay for After Care are requested to collect their children not later than 16:30. On Fridays the school will close at 13:30.
Contact Us
Physical Address:
1 Boschoek Farm, Sedaven Estate, Heidelberg

+27 63 203 2279
Shortly About Us
Sedaven Primary School is an independent school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church in South Africa.
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