Sedaven Primary School Domitories - Sedaven Primary School - Sedaven Primary School

Sedaven Primary School
Non Sibi Sed Deo | Not for self, but for God
+27 63 203 2279
1 Boschoek Farm, Sedaven Estate, Heidelberg
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The preceptor/preceptress compiled the following list:
• School uniform
• Clothes to wear after school.
(Girls: Clothes not too tight or revealing.
 Dresses or skirts 10cm or less above knee).
• At least one set of smart clothes suitable for Church
• Bible, Advent Hymnal, devotional book
• Iron and Pegs
• Plug for bath/basin
• Padlock for clothing cupboard; extra key to be handed to dean.
• School stationery
• Needle and thread
(remember school colours are white, grey, and blue)
• Swimming costume, sunscreen and sun hat
• Towels
• Small carpet (optional)
• Key holder
• Umbrella
Rechargeable fluorescent light for power failures (optional)

• Clothes-hangers
• Torch
• Double adaptor
• Mosquito repellent
• Bedding appropriate to the season
(sheets, blankets or duvet, pillows)
• Heater (optional) (only oil type)
• Pot plants, cheval-set for dressing table (optional)
• Hair-drier, hot brush, curlers
• Writing paper, envelopes and stamps
• Toiletries (stock for at least one month at a time)
• Alarm (preferably battery operated)
• Black shoe polish and brush
• Washing powder and fabric softener
• Basic medicine: e.g. Disprins, Valoid, Chamberlain’s Colic
 and Diarrhoea, Immodium, Grippons
• Band-aid strips
A positive attitude and a nice smile.
Hand any medication to the Dean on day of arrival from home.  The Dean will ensure that medication is taken promptly.

MOTHERS please give your boys a few lessons on how to iron a shirt and trousers!

Most dormitory learners are expected to do their own washing. Please bring your own iron and a supply of washing powder. Ironing boards are available in the dormitories.  On special application your clothes can be washed on a weekly basis.  A fee of R170 per month will be charged.

You may never have done your own washing and ironing before, and the idea may sound strange to you, but you will soon become proficient, and you will never regret having had the opportunity to learn these skills.

Between two and four learners usually occupy a room. Where possible, you will be placed with a roommate of your choice. Grade 8 and 9 learners are usually not allowed to room with grade 10 to 12 learners because their programmes (study periods and going to bed-times) do not coincide.

Report to your dormitory dean when you feel sick or have injured yourself. If necessary, a doctor's appointment will be made. The doctor's account will be sent straight to the parent or guardian.  
Permission to stay in bed because you do not feel well will be the exception rather than the rule.

Learners are expected to do washing-up of dishes in the dining room on occasion and to clean their own rooms.  Every day a period is set aside for dormitory duties. Room inspection takes place on a daily basis.

Bicycles are allowed with the permission of the dormitory dean. Please keep in mind that other learners will want to ride on your bike and that they may damage it. The school will not accept responsibility for any breakages. Bicycles must be kept in the designated place. Not in your room!

No cell phone with a MP3 player etc. will be allowed at school.  Cell phones are not to be used to listen to music;  they are used as communication media only.
No cell phone may be in a learner’s possession at any time during school hours, or during any official appointment such as study-hours, meals or Sabbath appointments.  Cell phones must be left locked up in the lockers in the dormitories during these appointments.

Cell phones may be used during the following times:     (only if the learner has no official appointment).

06:00 – 06:30; 14:15 – 14:55; 16:30 – 17:30; 21:00 – 21:30  

If these rules are not adhered to, the phone will be confiscated and an administration fee of R100.00 is payable before the phone can be released at the end of the quarter or at the Office’s discretion.

No Laptops / Radios and CD players (including Walkmans) may only be played in the dormitory rooms.  In all cases the volume of the music should be such that it is not audible outside of your room.

Dormitory learners may go to Heidelberg on Friday afternoons if the necessary permission has been given. Full school uniform must be worn.

Always be on time for meals, and be dressed appropriately for these pleasant times of fellowship.
• Meals may only be missed with the permission of the dormitory staff.
• Let your behaviour in the dining room reflect your good home upbringing and appreciation of culture
• If you have a problem with the food, please discuss the matter with the dining room matron. Positive suggestions will
 always be appreciated.
• Keep in mind that the food in the dining room will probably never be as good as that which your mother can prepare.
 However, the food will be nutritious and adequate. The Sedaven dining room only serves vegetarian meals.

Pocket money and valuable articles may be given to the dormitory personnel for safekeeping and will be available when needed.

Please do not keep large sums of money with you. It is surprising how easily money "disappears", even at a Christian School.  The school will accept no responsibility for lost money if this rule is not strictly adhered to.

You may only leave the campus with the express written permission of the dormitory dean, teacher on duty and school principal.

Arrangements to go home for weekends or to visit friends should be finalised by Thursday morning:

• Your parents must fax a written permission/request to the deans before you will be allowed to leave the campus.
• If you leave the campus over weekends you must be signed out of the dormitories before 18:00 on Friday and must be back
 in the dormitories before 18:00 on Sunday.  Failure to adhere to these arrangements will inevitably lead to embarrassment.
• You may never sign yourself out.  Your parent/guardian must personally sign the register.  If an uncle, aunt or other relative
 will fetch you, the dean must be notified.  An I.D. document of such a person will be required.  We cannot just release you
 into the care of an unknown person.

Contact Us
Physical Address:
1 Boschoek Farm, Sedaven Estate, Heidelberg

+27 63 203 2279
Shortly About Us
Sedaven Primary School is an independent school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church in South Africa.
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